Library Office Hours

Liberty Community Services, Inc. A representative is available to assist patrons of the New Haven Free Public Library weekdays. Office hours start Mondays through Fridays at 10:15 AM. The last appointment is accepted at 4:30 PM. We can help answer questions about: housing and housing-related resources, re-entry, employment, and health services.

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Cold Weather Protocol in Effect 12/26/17 through 1/2/18

Cold Weather Alert
At the direction of Governor Dannel P. Malloy, the Division of Emergency Management and Homeland Security (DEMHS), Department of Housing (DOH), Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS), and the Department of Social Services (DSS), United Way 2-1-1, the Connecticut Coalition to End Homelessness, and other partners are implementing the severe cold weather protocol to ensure all those in need are sheltered during the severe cold weather.

The current protocol will be in effect from 5:00PM, December 26, 2017 thru 5:00PM, January 2, 2018.

If you receive a call from someone looking for shelter and you are not aware of any shelter space, please direct the person to 2-1-1. If your town opens a shelter or warming center, please ask your town emergency management department to indicate its status on DEMHS WebEOC. Working with local shelters, 2-1-1 will act as a clearinghouse to ensure that shelter is identified for those who need it. Please spread the word of this critical service provided by 2-1-1.

Please note: While shelters are not required to remain open during hours they would normally close during this cold weather period, any efforts that shelters and other frontline providers can make to provide shelter space for those in need during this particular cold is appreciated.

If you have any questions about the policies for access to shelter in your area, please contact your CAN coordinator. If you have any questions about the 2-1-1 referral process, please contact Wendy Caruso, at, or if identify someone in need of immediate shelter, please dial 2-1-1, press option 5 and a contact specialist will assist you with shelter arrangements in your area.

Bristol Housing Authority Accepting Pre-Applications for Public Housing Waitlist

The priority is Elderly/Disabled.

For more information:

Bristol Housing Authority Posting

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Cold Weather Protocols

Greater New Haven CAN: COLD WEATHER PROTOCOL (November 15, 2017 – April 1, 2018)
·         Beginning 11/15/2017 through 3/31/2018: Any family who is currently literally homeless with an immediate need for shelter in the GNH CAN will need to reach out to any personal and natural supports, such as family, friends or other organizations that they are connected with to secure a safe place for them for the night.
o   If 2-1-1 receives a call from a family between 5pm-9am on weekdays or anytime (24/7) over the weekend/holidays, 2-1-1 should contact CCA to check on any emergency placement: 203-752-6796.
o   If 2-1-1 receives a call from a family between 9am-5pm on weekdays, 2-1-1 should contact Life Haven and ask to speak with the GNH CAN Family Navigator (203-776-6208 – Samantha/Valery)
·         Beginning 11/15/2017: Individual men who are literally homeless with an immediate need for shelter in GNH CAN can be referred to the New Haven walk-in Shelters: Cedar St Overflow Shelter beginning at 4pm (226 Cedar St. New Haven) and ESMS beginning at 4pm (645 Grand Ave. New Haven).
·         Immediate Needs for Individual Women: Individual women would need to rely on natural supports (family/friends) until the Warming Center opens on 1/3/2018. See details below for City of New Haven Warming Centers
·         Individuals and Families from the Valley area (Ansonia, Derby, Oxford, Seymour, Shelton with proof of residence) between 11/1/2017 – 3/31/2018 can go to Spooner House No Freeze (doors open at 9pm, must arrive by 10:30pm and leave by 6am). Coffee/snacks are served. Space is limited (6 cots), but callers can be referred directly to the shelter.
·         Individuals from  Milford between 11/1/2017 – 3/15/2018 can go to Beth-El (203-876-0747) No Freeze (must arrive by 9pm and leave by 7am). Individuals can contact Beth-El directly about whether No Freeze will be open.
·         If shelters are full, Individuals can be referred to the City of New Haven Warming Centers :
o   Lighthouse Ministries, 261 Grand Ave, New Haven (203-309-8360): Open 1/3/2018 – 4/20/2018 (open from 10pm-6am)
o   The 180 Center, 793 Grand Ave, New Haven (203-909-9194): Open 2/1/2018 – 3/17/2018 (open from 10pm-6am)

Friday, December 1, 2017

Public Housing Pre-Applications for the Willimantic Housing Authority (WHA) 12/1/17 - 2/28/18 2PM

The Willimantic Housing Authority (WHA) will be accepting Preliminary Applications to be selected in a random selection lottery. A lottery will be held the last day of each month the waitlists are open, for the applications received during that month.  

Applications will be accepted for the following Public Housing properties:
Family Housing

Nathan Hale Terrace (West Ave)-1, 2, 3, and 4 Bedroom Units
Terry Court - 2 Bedroom Units
Elderly Housing
John Ashton Towers / Wilbur Cross Apartments -1 Bedroom Units
Father Honan Terrace -1 Bedroom Units
Section 8 Voucher Program waitlists are currently CLOSED.
Applicants must meet income limits and eligibility requirements. A description of all Housing Authority properties, including the income limits, can be viewed at
Interested applicants must apply online at between Friday, December 1, 2017 at 10:00 a.m. and Wednesday, February 28, 2018 at 2:00 p.m. No paper applications will be accepted. 
Computer and internet access may be found at your local library. WHA will open its offices on Thursday, December 14, 2017, Thursday, January 11, and Thursday, February 15, 2018 between 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. to assist applicants with submitting an on-line application, if they areunable to complete an application on their own.
If you are a person with a disability and require a reasonable accommodation in order to submit an application, please contact the Housing Authority at 860-456-1413.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Ansonia HCV Waitlist Opens December 1, 2017


Housing Choice Voucher Waitlist

OPENS Friday, December 1, 2017.  Pre-applications must be postmarked no later than 12 Midnight, Friday, December 15, 2017.

For more information: 

Meriden Johnson Farms 2 bedroomn Nov 28 - Dec 13, 2017

The Housing Authority of the City of Meriden, which operates Johnson Farms a Moderate Income Housing Program, which is governed by Connecticut Housing Finance Authority is pleased to announce the opening of the waitlist. 
Beginning, Tuesday November 28, 2017 at 9:00 a.m. through December 13, 2017 at 4:30 pm. Pre-application may be submitted ON-LINE at or via the link provided at and Pre-applications may also be obtained and submitted at Meriden Housing Authority’s office at 22 Church Street, Meriden, CT 06451.
Only one pre-application per person will be accepted. Internet access is required to complete the pre-application. If you need internet access, this will be available at our offices. Families needing a reasonable accommodation to complete the pre-application may be requested in writing to our office or orally by calling 203-235-0157 ext. 7600. No incomplete applications will be accepted. All applications received are entered into a lottery selection process and 150 applicants are randomly selected for placement on the waiting list. Lottery selection will occur no later than January 3, 2018. Johnson Farms is located in South Meriden and it features the following: 2 bedroom only townhouses, washer and dryer hook up, private parking, gas heat. Residents are responsible for
supplying their own stove and refrigerator, as well as trash removal, and snow removal. No pets allowed, unless resident is covered under American with Disabilities Act.
All and any income-eligible households may submit a pre-application. Acceptance and/or assistance are based on income verification and other eligibility requirements, such as but not limited to, appropriate occupancy standards, demonstrated ability to pay rent on time, landlord references, credit checks, police background checks. Rent is based in income with a minimum rent of $511 or 30% of adjusted income, whichever is higher. Maximum of adjusted income levels, based on family size are as follows:
Income Limits table
1 person 32,100
2 person 36,700
3 person 41,300
4 person 45,850
5 person 49,500
6 person 53,200
7 person 56,900

Friday, June 30, 2017

West Hartford Project based 55+ housing pre-application

The Housing Authority of the Town of West Hartford(WHHA) will be accepting pre-applications for apartments in the Housing Choice Voucher ProjectBased(HCV-PB) Elm Grove Senior Apartments,which is located at 11 Grove Street. 

Program is a federally-funded program which provides units with rental subsidizes to eligible households.
In order to apply, the head, co-head, spouse or sole member must be at least 55 years of age or older, must be eligible by household size for efficiency (0 BR)or one (1 BR) unit and meet the income and other eligibility guidelines set by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development(HUD).

1 PERSON -$32,100
2 PERSONS–$36,700

Applications will be available from Monday, June 26, 2017 at 8:30a.m. through Monday, July 10, 2017 at 4 p.m.
Interested applicants may apply online at This pre-application is accessible through any computer, tablet or smart phone. You are encouraged to apply online.
Paper pre-applications can also obtained in person in the lobby at 80 Shield Street, West Hartford, CT during normal business hours.   Completed applications can be hand delivered and placed in the lobby drop box or mailed to the Main Office located at 80 Shield Street, West Hartford, CT, 06110.
They must be postmarked no later than Monday, July 10, 2017.
If you require special assistance or an accommodation to complete the pre-application, contact the Authority at 860-953-0002 X 25 or 18. No pre-applications will be accepted via faxes or emails. Incomplete pre-applications will not be processed
Only one pre-application per family will be accepted; duplicate pre-applications will be discarded. Each properly completed application will be assigned a lottery number.
Once all pre-applications have been processed, a lottery will be conducted.   Up to 300 pre-applications will be selected and placed on the waiting list in the order selected. The applicants selected through the lottery will be notified by mail. 
If you do not receive a letter by September 1, 2017, your pre
-application was not drawn.You will also be able to check your waiting list status at
The West Hartford Housing Authority does not discriminate in admission or access to federally assisted housing programs.  Any eligible individual with handicap will be served.  Those who have visual or hearing impairments will be provided with the necessary information to access the program.  

Friday, May 26, 2017

Life Support by Wayfaring Ministries

"People who've been there helping people who are there"

If the worst of life have gotten then best of someone you know, let us help. Going back t our origins, we've helped hundreds of ex-offenders who were returning to society. Now with our doors open to the entire community, we are committed to doing everything in our power to help every participant live a life without limitations."

Scholarships for the following training programs:
  • Construction w/ OSHA, RRP, Hilti, & weatherization
  • Intro to HVAC w/ EPA
  • Business/office assistant
  • Bookkeeping
  • Servsafe food service
  • Desktop publishing w/ Adobe Creative Suite
  • CNC
  • Medical Assistant
  • Blueprint drafting w/ Autocad
  • Computer repair w/ Comptia
 Also, There is assistance with Cost of Identification, Childcare costs, Vocational scholarships, Gift cards for help getting on your feet, Security deposits/rental assistance.
Call (203)626-1JOB (562) "

There is a work study program for parolees and probationers
6 week training in construction including:
  • OSHA 10 w/ Carpentry
  • $125 weekly stipend
  • Life skills training
(may not be available currently)

Friday, January 27, 2017

West Hartford 55+ Project Based Section 8



The Housing Authority of the Town of West Hartford (WHHA) will be accepting pre-applications for apartments in the Housing Choice Voucher Project Based (HCV-PB) component of Alfred E. Plant Senior Apartments, which is located at 759 Farmington Avenue.  The HCV-PB Program is a federally-funded program which provides units with rental subsidizes to eligible households.

In order to apply, the head, co-head, spouse or sole member must be at least 55 years of age or older, must be eligible by household size for efficiency (0 BR) or one (1 BR) unit and meet the income and other eligibility guidelines set by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

1 PERSON - $31,300

2 PERSONS – 35,750

Applications will be available from Tuesday, January 31, 2017 at 8:30 a.m. through Thursday,

February 9, 2017 at 4 p.m.  Interested applicants may apply online at This pre-application is accessible through any computer, tablet or smart phone. You are encouraged to apply online.

Paper pre-applications can also obtained in person in the lobby at 80 Shield Street, West

Hartford, CT during normal business hours.   Completed applications can be mailed to the Main Office located at 80 Shield Street, West Hartford, CT, 06110.   They must be postmarked no later than Thursday, February 9, 2017.

No pre-applications will be accepted via faxes or emails. Incomplete pre-applications will not be processed

Only one pre-application per family will be accepted; duplicate pre-applications will be discarded.  Each properly completed application will be assigned a lottery number.

Once all pre-applications have been processed, a lottery will be conducted.   Up to 300 preapplications will be selected and placed on the waiting list in the order selected.  The applicants selected through the lottery will be notified by mail. 

If you do not receive a letter by April 30, 2017, your pre-application was not drawn.

You will also be able to check your waiting list status at

If you require special assistance or an accommodation to 

complete the pre-application, contact the Authority at 860-953-0002 x25.

The West Hartford Housing Authority does not discriminate in admission or access to federally assisted housing programs.  Any eligible individual with handicap will be served.  Those who have visual or hearing impairments will be provided with the necessary information to access the program.  

Thursday, January 26, 2017

The Affordable Care Act - Keep Informed

Use this link to understand how the ACA may change.

Health Care In Motion